installation view of The Scene - Great Grandma’s house by the Snye (ink jet drawing on left and cnc laminated wood on right)
Great Grandma’s house by the Snye, For McMurray, 2017. Ink jet drawing on paper, 21”x 21”x 1”
Great Grandma’s house by the Snye, For McMurray, 2017. CNC Laminated wood (walnut, mahogany, plywood), 22”x22”x ¾”
Mom’s house, West Edmonton, 2017. Ink jet drawing on paper, 21”x 21”x 1”
Mom’s house, West Edmonton, 2017. CNC Laminated wood (walnut, mahogany, plywood), 22”x22”x ¾”
the scene
Art Gallery of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta
June 19 –August 8, 2021
Co-curated by Lindsey Sharman and Danielle Siemens
This artwork series is explores mapping of the artist’s family homes, specifically the location of Tiffany’s great grandmother’s property by the snye in Fort McMurray and mother’s home by West Edmonton Mall in Edmonton. These images were created by toggling between digital and analogue methodologies and multiple technologies so this work is effectively about process rather than the final outcome
The ink jet drawings shown are in a way representations of the prep files which were digitally modified in several computer programs that were created for the CNC mill and the artworks made of laminated wood are the outcome of the prep files. Further to that, when working with the CNC mill Tiffany choses a drill bit size larger than necessary for the tool path so that the image created is ultimately unknown and not exact to the original anticipated outcome so that collaboration is inherent in the material practice.
All images photo credit to the Art Gallery of Alberta.
Click the link for a virtual tour of this work hosted by the Art Gallery of Alberta on July 7, 2021. This tour also includes kinistinâw Park.